FlowState Therapeutic Massage

The Experience

Booking with me will get you the closest thing to the spa experience you can get (without the price!) and kept within the comfort and convenience of your own home. I am passionate about providing the results you need AND I love to treat you to a luxurious time of disconnecting from the stresses of your everyday life.

All custom massages include:

Heated Massage Table and Heated Towels

Is there any better feeling that climbing onto a warm table as you slowly melt into relaxation? The comfort of the heated towels helps facilitate calming signals to the nervous system and jump-starts the flow of circulation that is so beneficial in massage therapy.

Grounding Mat

Aside from being beautiful and the source of all life as we know it, the Earth can also contains numerous health benefits. I provide a special grounding mat on the massage table, which is connected through a grounding outlet in order to conduct electrons from the Earth into your body. 

Why does this make a difference? Most of us are electron deficient and modern life has taken us far away from the natural connection to Earth, which can be considered the original anti-inflammatory. As electrons from the Earth flow through your body, whether it be through standing barefoot on the ground or using a grounding mat, they essentially mop up inflammatory free radicals. This can lead to remarkable healing that addresses many conditions at the source. Personally, I sleep on a grounding mat and I have noticed incredible differences in my quality of sleep!